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7 hour ago

Land For Sale. Rustavi

1,000,000 $1 m² - 237 $
Tchkondideli Settlement

10 Sep 2024
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3 room Private House Daily rent. Rustavi

Tchkondideli Settlement

Daily rent! for parties! 400 meters from the settlement, which means that there is no noise restriction. The price for up to 10 people is 250 GEL, and for more guests, the price is variable. The house will welcome you with an audio system, a night cinema, an air conditioner, dishes, a fireplace, a large and cozy yard, a quiet environment, you can use it from 16:00 to 12:00 a.m. For security reasons, there are video cameras in the yard. near Mazniashvili Street

04 Sep 2024
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Store-Industrial property For Sale. Rustavi

2,500,000 $1 m² - 1,000 $
Tchkondideli Settlement

A plot of land of 25,000 square meters is for sale in Rustavi, with buildings (2 warehouses), an administrative building, a guardhouse, and a building for staff, it is completely fenced, equipped with all communications, its own electrical station, Gverdze is a railway dead end. Price per square meter is $100 (100% share of LLC is for sale)

04 Sep 2024
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Land For Sale. Rustavi

2,500,000 $1 m² - 100 $
Tchkondideli Settlement

A plot of land of 25,000 square meters is for sale in Rustavi, with buildings (2 warehouses), an administrative building, a guardhouse, and a building for staff, it is completely fenced, equipped with all communications, its own electrical station, Gverdze is a railway dead end. Price per square meter is $100 (100% share of LLC is for sale)

28 Aug 2024
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3 room Summer Cottage Daily rent. Rustavi

Tchkondideli Settlement

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