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13 hour ago
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Land For Sale. Rustavi

45,000 $1 m² - 39 $
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Old Rustavi

13 hour ago
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Land For Sale. Rustavi

45,000 $1 m² - 39 $
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Old Rustavi

17 Sep 2024
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Land For Sale. Rustavi

45,000 $1 m² - 39 $
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Old Rustavi

31 Aug 2024

Land For Sale. Rustavi

70,400 $1 m² - 16 $
Old Rustavi

For sale in Rustavi, near boarding schools, 4400 square meters of agricultural land, registered as 3 plots - 1500+1400+1500. An irrigation channel will come down next to the plot, the land is fertile, not rocky. the so-called It is about 100 meters from the Russian settlement to the plot (it is a dirt road), and the settlement is asphalted. It is possible to build a 2-storey house in the plot. The plot of land can be sold either as a whole or in parts. Selling price is $16 per square meter, can be negotiated.

31 Aug 2024

Land For Sale. Rustavi

70,400 $1 m² - 16 $
Old Rustavi

For sale in Rustavi, near boarding schools, 4400 sq.m. agricultural land, registered in 3 plots: 1500+1400+1500 sq.m. Next to the plot, irrigation water will flow along the entire length, it is a fertile land, it is not rocky, everything grows well, there is an asphalted road to the settlement, and the plot runs There is about 150-200 meters of dirt road, a 2-story house can be built inside. The mentioned plot of land is already under the jurisdiction of the city. The price is $16 per square meter.

21 Aug 2024

Land lease. Rustavi

5,000 $1 m² - 10 $
Old Rustavi

In Rustavi, non-agricultural land is mortgaged for $5,000. The owner will pay $200 every month.

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