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16 Sep 2024
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2 room Flat For Rent. Batumi

400 $
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V. Sarajishvili st.

For rent, at the intersection of Javakhishvili and Sarajishvili streets, on the 1st floor of a newly built 2-story house, a newly renovated 2-room 50 sq.m. apartment with one bright bedroom, furniture and appliances. 1100 GEL

11 Sep 2024
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10 room Summer Cottage For Sale. Batumi

350,000 $1 m² - 730 $
V. Sarajishvili st.

New 3-storey modern and modern house for sale. Property features: S house = 480 m2, S land plot 1250 m2 1st floor 4 bedrooms, 1 living room, 3 bathrooms (black frame) 2nd floor 2 saunas and 2nd swimming pool, 2 bathrooms and shower on 3rd floor wine. Basement, technical rooms, 1 boiler room, bathroom. Warm floor throughout the house. All fake furniture, imported from England, chandeliers, decorations can be considered as a ready-made business project for rent.

07 Sep 2024
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2 room Private House For Rent. Batumi

500 $
V. Sarajishvili st.

First floor of a private house for rent. In the city center. Newly renovated.

31 Aug 2024
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5 room Private House For Sale. Batumi

350,000 $1 m² - 1,030 $
V. Sarajishvili st.

A 340 square meter two-story house with its own yard is for sale on Sarajishvili Street in Batumi. There is a garage and two small rooms in the yard. Renovated with furniture. with equipment. the price. 350,000 dollars Tel. 568692948

29 Aug 2024
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2 room Flat Daily rent. Batumi

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V. Sarajishvili st.

Newly built, well-furnished hotel-type two identical living spaces for daily rent. Each has an individual entrance. 1 bedroom, studio type living room, bathroom, balcony. There are all basic necessities in the house, there is internet. The house has a yard. There is a parking space.

29 Aug 2024
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6 room Private House For Sale. Batumi

330,000 $1 m² - 943 $
V. Sarajishvili st.

26 Aug 2024
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3 room Flat For Sale. Batumi

70,000 $1 m² - 1,000 $
V. Sarajishvili st.

Apartment for sale Georgiy Saakadze St. Low floor Heating karma 2 bedrooms with windows 70 m2 Rented for $500 Price: $70,000

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