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17 Sep 2024
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6 room Private House For Sale. Batumi

250,000 $1 m² - 1,244 $
Boni-Gorodok District

In Batumi, Revaz Tabukashvili 27A (Boni-Gorodok) 2 private modern style 2-storey houses are for sale in a cozy and very quiet place. With black frame condition. All communications (water, gas, electricity, sewage) will be brought to the house. Doors and windows, the exterior facade of the house is wrapped, and the yard is fully greened and finished. The total area of each house is 201 square meters, and the land area is 465 square meters. Houses are built with high quality materials and workmanship

17 Sep 2024
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6 room Private House For Sale. Batumi

250,000 $1 m² - 1,244 $
Boni-Gorodok District

In Batumi, Revaz Tabukashvili 27A (Boni-Gorodok) 2 private modern style 2-storey houses are for sale in a cozy and very quiet place. With black frame condition. All communications (water, gas, electricity, sewage) will be brought to the house. Doors and windows, the exterior facade of the house is wrapped, and the yard is fully greened and finished. The total area of each house is 201 square meters, and the land area is 465 square meters. Houses are built with high quality materials and workmanship

26 Aug 2024
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6 room Private House For Sale. Batumi

250,000 $1 m² - 1,244 $
Boni-Gorodok District

In Batumi, Revaz Tabukashvili 27A (Boni-Gorodok) 2 private modern style 2-storey houses are for sale in a cozy and very quiet place. With black frame condition. All communications (water, gas, electricity, sewage) will be brought to the house. The doors and windows, the exterior facade of the house are wrapped, and the yard is fully greened and finished. The total area of each house is 201 square meters, and the land area is 465 square meters. Houses are built with high quality materials and workmanship. Internal sealing as well as repairs can be agreed on the basis of negotiation with the owner. The construction of both houses will be completed by the end of September this year.

19 Aug 2024
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6 room Private House For Sale. Batumi

250,000 $1 m² - 1,244 $
Boni-Gorodok District

In Batumi, Revaz Tabukashvili 27A (Boni-Gorodok) 2 private modern style 2-storey houses are for sale in a cozy and very quiet place. With black frame condition. All communications (water, gas, electricity, sewage) will be brought to the house. Doors and windows, the exterior facade of the house is wrapped, and the yard is fully greened and finished. The total area of ​​each house is 201 square meters, and the land area is 465 square meters.Houses are built with high quality materials and workmanship. Internal sealing as well as repairs can be agreed on the basis of negotiation with the owner. The construction of both houses will be completed by the end of September this year.

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