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19 Sep 2024
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Land For Sale. Batumi

132,000 $1 m² - 165 $
Boni-Gorodok District

17 Sep 2024
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4 room Private House For Sale. Batumi

180,000 $1 m² - 1,193 $
Boni-Gorodok District

📍Besiki 3 2 floors •House for sale with an area of 151 sq.m •The house has all the necessary furniture •Excellent location in the old town This is a great offer for those who are considering Batumi as a potential place to live or invest. Mikawa Estate provides professional assistance in real estate transactions, focusing on your comfort and convenience. Our team provides full legal support at all stages of the transaction, which guarantees your protection and safety. We strive for transparency and honesty, so no commission is charged on purchases, as is customary in civilized countries of the world. In addition, we offer assistance with international money transfers quickly and securely, providing you with financial confidence in the transaction. If you need a mortgage, we will also help with its registration at TBC Bank for the purchase of real estate. Don't miss the opportunity to contact us right now to start the process of purchasing real estate in Batumi with professional support!

17 Sep 2024
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2 room Flat For Sale. Batumi

58,000 $1 m² - 967 $
Boni-Gorodok District

📍Dmitry Svishevsky 211 • In the Boni-gorodok area, an apartment in the old building is for sale • Large hall, large bedroom, balcony • View from two sides • The apartment has everything for living. • Housing with gas, karma heating • Nearby there is a kindergarten, school, shops, supermarkets, pharmacies and other infrastructure

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