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3 room Private House Lease. Nadzaladevi
tsagveri st.
For lease, private house, 2 rooms for $18,000 1(2) For lease for two years, in a newly built renovated private house, furniture will be installed by negotiation, central heating is installed. I also have a private house with 2 rooms, low first floor, a separate building in the common yard. Here too, furniture is negotiable, this is also for a period of 2 years. I have different options, with different conditions, apartments are leased directly from the owner, contact me for details 599554424 551116299
3 room Private House For Rent. Nadzaladevi
tsagveri st.
A private house for rent on Tsagveri street with the necessary furniture and equipment is close to Nadzaladevi and Vagzli metro stations, about 10 minutes by car. The agent's statement is...