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18 Sep 2024
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4 room Private House For Sale. Mukhiani

320,000 $1 m² - 512 $
Sagubari st.

17 Sep 2024
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ამოწევის სერვისი

სერვისის გამოყენების შემდეგ განცხადება ერთჯერადად თავსდება განცხადებების სიის თავში

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Shopping Property For Sale. Mukhiani

150,000 $1 m² - 1,064 $
Sagubari st.

Commercial space for sale 141m2 on the first floor of a new building in Mukhian, next to Rezo Gabriadze street, in a white frame condition, with stained-glass windows on the street, parking in front of the house, there is also a ground floor 104m2 with a ceiling of 2.90m under the premises on the 0th floor, for sale either together with the main room, or separately. Price 250$--1m2 is suitable for bakery, warehouse, workshop, etc., and the main area of ​​140m2 is suitable for retail space for any goods, medical or educational institution or more, good access and accessibility, transport. on Temka in the alley behind the police.

29 Aug 2024
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4 room Flat For Sale. Mukhiani

68,000 $1 m² - 800 $
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Sagubari st.

💥📣 $800 square 4-room apartment for immediate sale in Mukhiani. 👉 on Gabashvili Street, near Temki Police Station. 🙌 in a finished and occupied building. 👉 according to the frame. 👉85 square. 👉 With 3 bedrooms, Tel. 558 335507

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