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19 Sep 2024
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Hotel For Rent. Mtatsminda

3,000 $
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Khidi st.

For rent, 380 sq. m. hotel, located in a historical building, near the dry bridge, in the historical district, 8 rooms with private bathrooms, reception, kitchen, laundry room, dining room.

17 Sep 2024
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Hotel For Rent. Mtatsminda

4,000 $
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Khidi st.

09 Sep 2024
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4 room Hotel for rent. Mtatsminda

3,000 $
Khidi st.

Hotel for rent in the coolest place!! near the palace of the Orbelians! In a historical building!! On the 2nd floor, 4 independent, well-equipped rooms with bathrooms, a veranda, a view of the dry bridge, 150 sq.m. Suitable for living, office..

06 Sep 2024
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5 room Hotel For Sale. Mtatsminda

485,000 $1 m² - 3,234 $
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Khidi st.

05 Sep 2024

Commercial space For Rent. Mtatsminda

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Khidi st.

03 Sep 2024
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8 room Hotel For Rent. Mtatsminda

4,000 $
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Khidi st.

02 Sep 2024
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8 room Hotel For Rent. Mtatsminda

4,000 $
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Khidi st.

23 Aug 2024
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2 room Flat For Rent. Mtatsminda

1,700 $
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Khidi st.

23 Aug 2024
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Food object for rent. Mtatsminda

2,500 $
Khidi st.

Bar for rent, in the center of the city, in the live and tourist area, in the Mtatsminda district, under the dry bridge. The bar is equipped with furniture, inventory and equipment, which remains in the space, therefore the tenant will have the opportunity to operate the bar immediately after the rental. Area: 80 sq.m. + yard

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