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18 Sep 2024
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Land For Sale. Zahesi

220,000 $1 m² - 110,000 $
Platini st.

09 Sep 2024
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Land For Sale. Zahesi

220,000 $1 m² - 90 $
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Platini st.

31 Aug 2024

Store-Industrial property For Rent. Zahesi

Platini st.

In Zahes, next to the canal on Platini St., 150 square meters of warehouse-production space is for rent, with the surrounding area, on the condition of the purchase of two existing dyeing machines. The ceiling height of the space is 4.5-5 meters, with 3-phase electricity, the trawler can go to the space freely. The rent is 1500 GEL. There used to be a dyeing workshop.

31 Aug 2024

Store-Industrial property For Rent. Zahesi

Platini st.

In Zahes, on the edge of the Mtkvari canal, a workshop of about 300 square meters is for rent, 250 square meters on the 0th floor (120+130), and 50 square meters on the 1st floor, with 2 small elevators. Apart from any other purpose, the said workshop is good for mushroom production, storage of agricultural products (relatively low temperature inside), 4 meter ceiling, concrete floor, 3 phase electricity, b/gas supplied if needed. The trailer goes to the space, the reference price is 6 lari per square meter.

31 Aug 2024

Store-Industrial property For Rent. Zahesi

Platini st.

In Zahes, on Platini St., 210 sq.m. warehouse-production space is for rent, with the prospect of adding 150-200 sq.m. space on the side, with a 200 sq.m. adjacent yard. With a sloping ceiling, the height of which is 4 meters in the middle. 3-phase with electricity, (if necessary, with b/gas), with a wet point on the side (which can be included inside). Mtkvari canal will come down next to the area, which can be used free of charge. With a fenced area, where any type of trawler can enter and return freely. The indicative rent price is 8 GEL per square meter.

27 Aug 2024

Land For Sale. Zahesi

72,500 $1 m² - 67 $
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Platini st.

27 Aug 2024

Land For Sale. Zahesi

72,500 $1 m² - 67 $
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Platini st.

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