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23 hour ago
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Store-Industrial property For Rent. Zahesi

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G.Makashvili st.

Space for rent in Zahesi at the entrance of Tbilisi, the space is ideal for both warehouse and business activities. The trailer stands freely to unload the cargo. All communications three-phase electricity, gas, water are on site

19 Sep 2024

Commercial Real Estate For Sale. Zahesi

300,000 $1 m² - 316 $
G.Makashvili st.

A 4-storey universal building with an area of 950 square meters is for sale in Zahesi. The building is in a black frame condition and is ideal (for a school, clinic, office, and also suitable for apartments if the buyer agrees). The price is minimal based on today's prices. 1 sq.m./$325 For more detailed information, contact me or write to me at

16 Sep 2024
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Land For Sale. Zahesi

32,500 $1 m² - 65 $
G.Makashvili st.

Urgently! Land for sale in Zahesi. The place is very quiet and peaceful. There are fruit trees on the ground. All communications are nearby.

11 Sep 2024
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Store-Industrial property For Rent. Zahesi

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G.Makashvili st.

06 Sep 2024
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Store-Industrial property For Rent. Zahesi

1,510 $
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G.Makashvili st.

22 Aug 2024
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Store-Industrial property For Rent. Zahesi

1,500 $
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G.Makashvili st.

06 Aug 2024
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6 room Private House For Sale. Zahesi

200,000 $1 m² - 1,000 $
G.Makashvili st.

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