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9 hour ago

Land Lease. Mtskheta

7,000 $1 m² - 4 $

The plot of land is pledged. For 7,000 folars, the owner will pay a benefit of $300 per month. The land will be registered in your name as rent. in the public register at the notary.

9 hour ago

Land Lease. Tabakhmela

10,000 $1 m² - 2 $

Plot in Tabakhmela for 10,000 dollars for immediate mortgage. The owner will pay 350 dollars as rent every month. After the contract expires, 10,000 dollars will be returned to you. Contact us.

9 hour ago

Land Lease.

12,000 1 m² - 30

The plot of land is pledged for 12,000 GEL, the owner will pay 400 GEL in advance. It will be signed for 6 months. In Justice .. Notary .. Contact us .. 599475659

9 hour ago

Land Lease. Batumi

7,000 $1 m² - 5 $
R. Nizharadze st.

A plot of 1,700 square meters in Batumi is for pledge, the owner will pay for $7,000..every benefit is $300, the documents will be the justice department.

9 hour ago

Land Lease. Tsavkisi

30,000 $1 m² - 10 $

A plot of land in Tsavkis is mortgaged for $30,000. The owner will pay monthly benefits of $900.

9 hour ago

Land Lease. Bulachauri

12,000 $1 m² - 5 $

A plot in Bulachauri is for pledge for 12,000 dollars. The owner will pay 400 dollars every month. The documents will be signed at the notary public registry in Justice, call us at 591495495

9 hour ago

Land Lease. Digomi

15,000 $1 m² - 10 $
digomi 3

A plot of land in Dighomi is being mortgaged...for $15,000, the owner will pay $500 as rent, the benefits will be signed for 1 year. $15,000 documents will be signed .. at the notary. Contact us at Justice ...... 591495495 .. we even have different plots for different amounts. We have plots for $3,000, $5,000, $10,000, $120,000 and up to $30,000..Tbilisi, Batumi, Tabakhmela Saguramo close in districts and resort areas in 4% and 5%

19 hour ago

Land Lease. Borjomi

8,000 $1 m² - 11 $
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A plot of land in Borjomi is for pledge

19 hour ago

Land Lease. Borjomi

8,000 $1 m² - 11 $
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A plot of land in Borjomi for mortgage - 750 sq.m for $8,000 with the owner's right to live, who remains in the real estate, will pay the benefits in the form of monthly rent, only the owner stays in the house, not with you.

19 Sep 2024

Land Lease. Gldani

50,000 $1 m² - 556 $
I Microdistrict - Gldani

In the first micro of Gldani, an apartment is mortgaged for $50,000. The owner will live there and pay 1000 GEL per month. If you are interested, contact me. I am the owner, 598368368.

17 Sep 2024

Land Lease. Sioni

6,000 $1 m² - 2 $

The plot under construction is pledged for 6000 dollars, the owner will pay it every month. The benefit is 250 dollars....the documents will be signed.

16 Sep 2024

Land Lease. Digomi village

15,000 $1 m² - 8 $
Digomi village

15 Sep 2024

Land lease. Koshigora

6,000 $1 m² - 24 $

The mortgage is for 6000 dollars, the owner will pay 250 dollars in benefits every month ... he will pay the benefits in advance ... the purchase will be signed.

15 Sep 2024
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Land Lease. Saguramo

15,000 $1 m² - 8 $

Pledge in Saguramo. Plot of land for 15,000 dollars. The owner will pay the profit every month. 600 dollars will be signed. The purchase will be redeemed.

15 Sep 2024

Land lease. Saguramo

7,000 $1 m² - 6 $

A plot of land in Saguramo is for pledge for 7000 dollars. The owner will pay 250 dollars in interest every month.

13 Sep 2024

Land Lease. Saguramo

15,000 $1 m² - 5 $

A plot of land for pledge in Saguramo, 3000 sq.m. Communications are brought to the plot. We sign a 6-month contract with the right to continue, the land is registered in the name of the mortgagor. The owner will pay 4% of the amount as rent every month.

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