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23 hour ago
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1 room Flat Lease. Sololaki

30,000 $1 m² - 1,500 $
sh. Dadiani st.

For mortgage leasing, for 3 years, a 1-room apartment in a newly constructed building in Old Tbilisi, in Abanotubani, 20 square meters on 3rd floor with furniture and appliances, (central heating is not provided) with air conditioning, parking, under mortgage, price $30,000 + 3% agency fee.

The pledger will live
17 Mar 2025
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2 room Flat Lease. Sololaki

39,600 $1 m² - 792 $
sh. Dadiani st.

An 2-room apartment is being rented in Tbilisi, very close to Freedom Square, on Shalva Dadiani Street. For a period of 3 or 4 years. The total area is 50 square meters. Despite being located in the city center, it is in a quiet and cozy environment. The apartment is well renovated and equipped, also furnished with all necessary appliances, including; air conditioning and central heating system. The bedroom also has a loft with an area of 10 square meters. The height of the ceiling is 4.5 meters.

The pledger will live
15 Mar 2025
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2 room Flat Lease. Sololaki

110,000 1 m² - 2,200
sh. Dadiani st.

For lease, 2 room apartment in T'bilisi, Shalva Dadiani St. 12 very near to the freedom square. For the perriodof 3 or4 years. Total area is 50 Sq. Meter. while located in the heart of city, It's in quiet and cozy neighborhood. The apartment is well renovated and well furnished, also equipped with all the necessary amenities including air conditioner and central heating system. ceiling height is 4,5 meters. Bedroom also includes mezzanine(a low story between two others in a building, typically between the ground and first floors.), size of which is 10 sq. meter. I do not cooperate with real estate agents.

The pledger will live
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