3 room Flat For Sale. Rustavi
12th micro-district
2 room Flat For Sale. Rustavi
12th micro-district
4 room Flat For Sale. Rustavi
12th micro-district
ქალაქ რუსთავში, მე-12 მიკროში, ეკლესიის გვერდით, ახალ-აშენებულ მულტიფუნქციურ საცხოვრებელ კომპლექს “ნიუ მოლში” იყიდება 98.9კვ ბინა, გარემონტებული ავეჯით ტექნიკით, უცხოვრებელი, 12 სართულზე. ბინას აქვს ორი საძინებელი, დიდი მისაღები, დიდი სამზარეულო, ორი აივანი (8.4კვ ჯამში) ორი სველი წერტილი, სათავსონოთახი. თავად კომპლექსს აქვს უამრწვი უპირატესობები და იდეალურია საინვესტიციოდ, აქ შეგხვდებათ ბრენდული მაღაზიები, კავეას კინოთეატრი, კვების ობიექტები და ა.შ. დანარჩენ დეტალებზე დამიკავშირდით .
1 room Flat For Sale. Rustavi
12th micro-district
1 room Flat For Sale. Rustavi
12th micro-district
4 room Flat For Sale. Rustavi
12th micro-district
In the city of Rustavi, in the 12th district, next to the church, in the newly built multi-functional residential complex "New Mall", a 98.9 sq. m apartment is for sale, renovated with furniture and appliances, uninhabited, on the 12th floor. The apartment has two bedrooms, a large living room, a large kitchen, two balconies (8.4 square meters in total), two bathrooms, a storage room. The complex itself has countless advantages and is ideal for investment, where you will find branded stores, Kavea cinema, food outlets, etc.
4 room Flat For Sale. Rustavi
12th micro-district
In the city of Rustavi, in the 12th district, next to the church, in the newly built multi-functional residential complex "New Mall", a 98.9 sq.m. apartment is for sale, renovated with furniture and appliances, uninhabited, on the 12th floor. The apartment has two bedrooms, a large living room, a large kitchen, two balconies (8.4 square meters in total), two bathrooms, a storage room. The complex itself has endless advantages and is ideal for investment, you will find branded shops, Kavea cinema, food outlets, etc.
1 room Flat For Sale. Rustavi
12th micro-district
3 room Flat For Sale. Rustavi
12th micro-district
1 room Flat For Sale. Rustavi
12th micro-district
4 room Flat For Sale. Rustavi
12th micro-district
A newly renovated four-room apartment is for sale in the newly built multifunctional residential complex "New Mall". Brand shops, Kavea cinema, food establishments, etc. are opening in this building. Ideal for investment. It is possible to negotiate the price. Thea K.