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2 room Flat For Sale. Varketili
Fighters for the Unity of Georgia st.
Apartment for sale in Varketili, 10-15 minutes walk from the metro. white frame. 46.30. sq.m. partitions, metal-plastic doors and windows and an iron door. 2nd floor 12 floors. There are two floors left to be built - terraces, the price is $36,000.
4 room Flat For Sale. Varketili
Fighters for the Unity of Georgia st.
A 4-room apartment is for sale on the street for unity, there are 2 separate bedrooms in the apartment, if you wish, it is possible to add 2 more bedrooms. The apartment has old renovations, but with air conditioning. The building is very solid, visually it also looks good. There is a large square, markets, pharmacies around. 15 minutes walk from the metro.
4 room Flat For Sale. Varketili
Fighters for the Unity of Georgia st.
4 room Flat For Sale. Varketili
Fighters for the Unity of Georgia st.
5 room Flat For Sale. Varketili
Fighters for the Unity of Georgia st.
2 room Flat For Sale. Varketili
Fighters for the Unity of Georgia st.
3 room Flat For Sale. Varketili
Fighters for the Unity of Georgia st.
3-room apartment with 2 bedrooms for sale. On the street of fighters for the unity of Georgia. 5 minutes' walk from Varketili metro station. 78 square meters, 8/9 floor of the Lviv project. has a balcony.
4 room Flat For Sale. Varketili
Fighters for the Unity of Georgia st.
4-room apartment with 3 bedrooms for sale. On the street of fighters for unity, in Varketili. Czech project, 96 square meters, 1/9 floor. It also has a 65 square meter basement
3 room Flat For Sale. Varketili
Fighters for the Unity of Georgia st.
3 room Flat For Sale. Varketili
Fighters for the Unity of Georgia st.
3-room apartment with 2 bedrooms for sale. On the street of fighters for the unity of Georgia. 5 minutes' walk from Varketili metro station. Lviv project, 78 square meters, 8/9 floor. has a balcony.
4 room Flat For Sale. Varketili
Fighters for the Unity of Georgia st.
4 room Flat For Sale. Varketili
Fighters for the Unity of Georgia st.
3 room Flat For Sale. Varketili
Fighters for the Unity of Georgia st.
3 room Flat For Sale. Varketili
Fighters for the Unity of Georgia st.
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2 room Flat For Sale. Varketili
Fighters for the Unity of Georgia st.
แแงแแแแแ แแแแแแก แแ แแแฅแขแแก แแ แแแแแฎแแแแ แแแแ แแแฏแแ. แแฅแแก แกแแแแแกแแช. แแแแ แกแฃแคแแแ แแแแ แแ แกแแ แแแแแขแ
4 room Flat For Sale. Varketili
Fighters for the Unity of Georgia st.
A 4-room Lviv project apartment is for sale in Varketili, with furniture and appliances in a clean condition. 3 bedrooms, living room, loggia, isolated kitchen, balcony, separate bathrooms. The body is solid. The price is final + agency services.