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24 Mar 2025

Commercial space For Sale. Kvareli

720,000 $1 m² - 180 $

Total area: 4000 sq.m. Number of floors: 3 Condition: Black frame Location: Kvareli center, near the House of Justice Price: $180 sq.m ($720,000 for the total area) Advantages: Strategic location in the city center Solid construction with internal frame Ideal for setting up a shopping center Cost significantly lower than the market price Possibility of multi-purpose use This building represents a unique opportunity for investors: to develop a modern shopping center, to create a multifunctional commercial space, to take advantage of the growing potential of Kvareli as a tourist center, the price is only $180 per sq.m. This is a chance to buy real estate with high potential at an optimal price. Do not miss this unique opportunity to invest in one of the most attractive cities of Kakheti! For more information or to schedule a viewing, contact us:

24 Mar 2025
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Store-Industrial property For Sale. Kvareli

135,000 $1 m² - 57 $

In the village of Sanavardo, Kvareli region, on the main road, a cellar of 140 sq.m. is for sale, where there are 20 pitchers and 6 stainless steel tanks of Italian production, a total volume of 32 tons, as well as various equipment for pressing wine and distilling vodka. In addition, there is a 150 sq.m. 2-storey guest house equipped with all kinds of furniture and appliances. There are also 6 guest cottages and sanitary facilities in the area.

20 Mar 2025

Commercial space For Sale. Kvareli

Negotiable price

For sale is a capital two-storey building (the floor on the I-II floors and the ceiling is made of reinforced concrete structures, the walls are built of brick) with an area of up to 600.00 square meters (C/K and a land plot (C/K with a total area of 1492.00 square meters (on the front and back facade of the building), located in the city's central zone (in the city center), in a green area, and there is also a central recreational park nearby. The area can be used for a hotel, a medical clinic, as office space, or for any other purpose.

14 Mar 2025
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Commercial space For Sale. Kvareli

1,550,000 $1 m² - 97 $

18 Feb 2025

Commercial space For Sale. Kvareli

20,000 $1 m² - 667 $

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