14 Mar, 18:34
ID - 31636423Land For Sale. Asureti
1 m² - 8 $
Urgently for sale is a plot of land located 30 minutes away from Tbilisi in the village of Enageti, within the municipality of Tetritskaro, Asureti. Area - 2367 sq. m. The bank has appraised it much higher, but we are in a hurry, so we are selling it. There is a communication system near the plot. The area is surrounded by almond orchards. You can use it for farming as well as for building a house. There is a road leading to the plot.
Additional information
Natural gas
Top offer17,000 $
Top offer
Above the average
Cheaper than average
High price
Average price
17,000 $
Top offer
Cheaper than average
Average price
Above the average
High price
2367 m²
Total area
Total area
2367 m²Description
Urgently for sale is a plot of land located 30 minutes away from Tbilisi in the village of Enageti, within the municipality of Tetritskaro, Asureti. Area - 2367 sq. m. The bank has appraised it much higher, but we are in a hurry, so we are selling it. There is a communication system near the plot. The area is surrounded by almond orchards. You can use it for farming as well as for building a house. There is a road leading to the plot.
Additional information
Natural gas
Price overview
The price position on the scale is determined by the price of objects with similar parameters on the site.
Top offer17,000 $
Top offer
Above the average
Cheaper than average
High price
Average price
17,000 $
Top offer
Cheaper than average
Average price
Above the average
High price
ID - 31636423
Land For Sale. Asureti
14/03/25 - 18:34
Total area
2367 m²Description
Urgently for sale is a plot of land located 30 minutes away from Tbilisi in the village of Enageti, within the municipality of Tetritskaro, Asureti.
Area - 2367 sq. m.
The bank has appraised it much higher, but we are in a hurry, so we are selling it.
There is a communication system near the plot.
The area is surrounded by almond orchards.
You can use it for farming as well as for building a house.
There is a road leading to the plot.
Additional information
Natural gas
Top offer
17,000 $1 m² - 8 $